Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I Am A Child of God

Last night as we were enjoying Family Home Evening, we frosted Christmas cookies. As I was taking everyone's cookie to set on the counter to dry, Hayden told me to listen. From under the table a sweet little voice sang, "Lead me, guide me, walk beside me". Our precious Ethan was singing so clear and beautiful. Our stake president recently asked how we can tell we are on the right track in the things we are teaching and living. I think that gives me peace. I think we are on the right track.

Monday, December 21, 2009

My Heart Found Christmas

Yesterday was our ward's Christmas program. As I settled in to listen to the music and hear the words, I was given the gift of Christmas. I have really tried to be a Christmas elf and enjoy the season. I started last January trying to overcome the things that I thought were causing my 'scrooginess'. It hasn't worked. I just don't like the 'holidays'. But I love Christmas. I love remembering the beginnings of my Savior's life on earth. I am coming to know Him better and and I love Him.
I looked for Carter in the choir, amused that he was up there. He had attended one rehearsal and is just learning how to sing, let alone harmonize. But my heart was full that he was there. I looked at his folder partner....the stake president, who has perfect pitch and a beautiful tenor voice. At first I giggled to myself, wondering if President Eckman was going crazy. Then my eyes were opened and my heart was opened as I heard the angelic music praising the Lord and saw a great priesthood leader teaching a young priesthood leader to sing. I was blinking back the tears pretty hard. Thank you Heavenly Father for the gift of your Son. Thank you for the gift of music. Thank you for the gift of great men on this earth.